Some Other Passions (abc Order)

· Book collecting: bibliophile (with bibliomaniac deviations) & keen, avid reader
· Botany, to wit, plant science: the starting and ending point of each (mental) season
· Chinese tea: smells and tastes from the aromatic
Camellia sinensis
· Classical philology (ancient Greek, Latin): it all starts with the λόγος, isn’t it?
· Computer typesetting programs (see e.g. a few pieces of
LaTeX code from Notes); markup languages; math softwares; graphic/vector design
· Gattaro for Muscìda “Mumù” & Marsili-Alissi Gálakta; it is a missĭo, have a look at this website felis catus
· Instrumental music: from avant-garde compositions to contemporary experimental ensembles
· Languages and literature (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian)
· Nature (φύσις): yes, I am aware, it is not a “passion”, is the whole; and yet I suffer (πάσχω) from it: with it, the greatest
mirabilia of my life
· Painting (
· Photography
· Playing with fonts and typefaces
· Translation(s)

My motto
ἄνευ λόγου τὸ νῦν τῆς φύσεως · sine verbo nunc naturæ